
The Building Economy 3.0: opportunities arising from a new industry

The real estate market has constantly evolved with China’s economic transition marked by industrial restructuring and upgrading. Entering the era of Building Economy 3.0, buildings and economy are fully integrated at an unprecedented level, making “building economy” an organic entity and a new industry for driving the economy.

Upon the arrival of Building Economy 3.0 era, JLL published “The Building Economy 3.0”-- a research report of significance aiming to provide market stakeholders and government our insights in this new era.

Key Takeaways:

Unveil the “Future of Building Economy (FoBE)” Concept

As early as in 2017, JLL discussed the strategical significance of dimensions like digital drive and human experience in “Future of Work”. Emphasizing on the future, FoBE re-defines the building economy by exploring the developmental trajectory of different industries in Building Economy 3.0 era.

Four major trends as Foreseen by The FoBE “Fit to Drive” Model

Enterprises and their employees, the people are central to the building economy. In this regards, the FoBE model set the two dimensions as the primary axis. Horizontal axis views the needs of enterprises and their people respectively, while vertical axis measures the economic drivers stemming from the market and environment, or from the people’s intrinsic demand. The model concludes four major trends, mapping out the changing needs of stakeholders in the market.


For more information, please download the full report.

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