사업의 전략적 방향 제시 및 리더십을 담당하고 있습니다. 다양한 배경을 가진 직원들로 구성된 팀과 함께 부동산 소유주, 개발자, 점유자와 정부기관에 아이디어와 기회를 제공하고 있습니다.


Stephen first entered property in 1982, when he joined JLL as a trainee on the valuations team. In the decades since, he has retained a passion for growing and promoting Australia’s property sector and the role it plays in the national economy and wider community.

His professional roles have included advising some of Australia’s largest Institutions, Developers, and Governments on strategy and major property transactions.  He moved into the roles of Managing Director for Queensland in 1996 and National Head of Sales and Leasing in 2000.  He was appointed CEO of Australia in 2009. 

 Stephen is an advocate for diversity, which he sees as crucial to the industry’s future success.  He is also a member of the Property Male Champions of Change which leads the industry’s commitment to attracting and retaining more women in the property sector. 

Stephen is a Board Member of the Property Council of Australia and of Redkite - an Australian cancer charity providing essential support for young people with cancer, and the family and support network who care for them. In his spare time, Stephen enjoys family time at the beach, reading biographies of inspiring leaders, and following national and global politics.