조디 마틴
기업용 솔류션 아시아 태평양 지역 최고 경영책임자
1만5천명의 직원을 이끌고 있으며, 아시아 태평양 지역내 혁신적인 아웃소싱 솔루션을 담당하고 있습니다.
With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, Jordi is focused on helping client navigate through new trends in workplace strategies; diversifying Corporate Solutions’ client base across geographies and sectors; and growing the business organically and through M&A.
Jordi began his real estate career in 1991, when he joined Land Lease in Australia in the asset and property management division. When Compass, a division of Lend Lease, was sold to JLL in 1998, Jordi played a key role in the integration of Compass into the broader operations of JLL, regionally and globally.
In 2002, Jordi moved to Singapore to take up the challenge of building JLL’s Integrated Facilities Management (IFM) business in Asia Pacific. He was appointed CEO of Corporate Solutions Asia Pacific in 2014. Jordi is a member of JLL’s Asia Pacific Executive Board, which sets the direction and strategy for JLL in the region. He is also a member of JLL Corporate Solutions Global Board and contributes to the growth agenda of JLL’s Corporate Solutions business globally.
Jordi has a Bachelor of Business Degree from University of Technology, Sydney and an Electrical Trade Certificate from Randwick Technical College, Sydney.
In his free time Jordi enjoys spending time with his family; and being in and around open water, whether swimming, paddle boarding or rowing.