아그네스 림

아시아 태평양 지역 최고 재무 책임자

아시아태평양 리더십팀의 임원으로, 재무, 사업계획활동, 콘트롤 오퍼레이션을 총괄하고 있습니다.

A seasoned finance professional and Chartered Accountant with more than 20 years of experience, Agnes has worked in multiple industries, from consulting to electronics trading.

Agnes places supreme importance on values, relationships and people. When she joined JLL in 2004, she was attracted by the firm’s strong culture of teamwork, ethics and excellence. Her decade at the company has seen her take on a series of leadership roles. Many of these projects required her having to work with large groups of people, effecting change within the organisation and across borders.

 Agnes graduated from Nanyang Technological University of Singapore with an Honours Degree in Accountancy. 

She enjoys high-energy activities such as Zumba and K-Pop dance. In addition, her three teenage daughters keep her active, upbeat and on her toes.