GroupM’s new space embodies diversity, connectivity, and creativity
JLL created a space that brings various people to be interconnected in various places, and induces creativity.
2,524.6 m2
Yongsan, Seoul, Korea
Client business needs
GroupM, the world's leading media investment company, requested for creative space that embodies diversity, interconnectivity, and creativity.
Diversity - a space that can accommodate various types of workspace and various identities for collaboration between various departments and people.
Interconnectivity - spaces where various people can gather are placed in various places.
Creativity - induce creativity by expressing elements that can inspire ‘creativity’ in the space.
Our approach
Based on the deep understanding of company’s culture and space needs, we strived to design inspiring and innovative space that will fit for the media company.
With a clear focus on diversity, collaboration, creativity, and technology, we have transformed GroupM office into an engaging and flexible workplace.
All spaces including workstation, social hubs & breakout areas, cutting-edge meeting rooms, collaboration zone reflected the company’s culture and brand identity at every level.
We worked very closely with the client in order to understand their needs and to accomplish their goals. We came up with the solution to client’s requests and provided feedback as soon as possible.
Even under the tight schedules and client’s high expectations, we ensured our communication to be clear and kept them in loop with any updates and addressed their main concerns before any issues are raised. We were able to achieve client’s expectation within the time frame.
JLL Korea was recognised at the IDCS(Interior Design Confederation Singapore)'s 2023 Design Excellence Awards (DEA) by winning Bronze for the Best Workplace Design (≥ 5001 SQF) category.